Tuesday, June 5, 2007

How much the life become so crowded if every one can return to be cutes baby again

How much the life become so crowded if every one can return to be cutes baby again. Life as in the world as right now erevy people feell, as can ewingkling the eyes, as can walk around the world, looking soe tihing that good and what every one wanted.

Return to be baby is the stress oerson thinking, where who the person feel as un lucky and the world as around is not friendly, to be facing and dream to go to the place where people love so much and always in the lover huge.

Do any one have thinking such just like do i can return to be the cutes baby, where the mother love so much and the father always wanted to see also the sister around be happy becouse have the new sister or new brother.

The world might going to be how much crowded if evey one can return to be cutes baby again, becouse why, most people interest to go mature and look the special friend that to be the sweet heart, and go marry afterwards, they also might drean to have th cute babies to countinues their life and take care of the parent when the parents go to older.

Will you still want to go to be return to be the cutes baby, or do you think is the world is really nice and give you alot of happiness. and how much crowded the world if the person turn again to be cute baby.

Som thing is very imposibble if the some one can return to be cute baby again. and how much crowded the world to stay and how much terrible, becouse every one having own fun to take care own cute baby, and how about people are not baby at all, who going to take care of them.

All going to return to our self how much ..... how much .... how much the present to handle of these all.

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